Knee Pain: Causes & Ways to Relieve It

A knee injury is not a respecter of age. It can happen to anyone, anytime, and for various reasons.

People who struggle with knee injuries are normally experiencing knee pain as well. This pain may come from problems in the bones, joints, ligaments, cartilages, or tendons.

Pain and swelling often go together, and for those who are physically active, this may be aggravated if not treated immediately.

You may reduce pain through simple measures. But, for severe injuries, you may have to visit an Orthopedic doctor to avoid making your condition worse.

Here are the most common causes of knee pain that you have to watch out for:


Our bones may weaken due to medical conditions. Usually, people who suffer from Osteoporosis tend to be more prone to fractures.

Osteoporosis makes the bone fragile that even simple instances of falling or slipping can lead to serious breaking of the bones.

Traumatic accidents that involve great impact may also lead to bone fractures. The injury is obvious and the pain is unbearable.

Severe knee fractures need immediate treatment. Simple ones are treated using a splint or cast. While complicated fractures require surgery.

In either case, it is suggested that pain medications will be taken by the patient to ease the pain. If allowed by the physician, prescription pain relievers like opioids might help.


This medical emergency signifies that the bones in the knee are not in place.

It can happen when a person experiences high energy trauma like sports contact or vehicle crashes.

In some instances, the kneecap slides from its original location and causes swelling and pain.

Dislocation must be given immediate attention so that the flow of blood will not be affected. Treatment depends on the severity of the injury.

Normally, doctors will have to resort to bringing the bone back to its old position. Then, a splint or sling will be used to immobilize the joint.

In case dislocation recurs or the bones cannot be brought back to its old position, then a surgical procedure may be necessary.

Torn Ligaments

Ligaments connect the bones. These are like ropes that tie the knee bones together for stability.

Collateral ligaments are those located on the sides of the knees. Cruciate ligaments, on the other hand, are found inside the knee joints.

Cruciate is essential for the back and forth motion while collateral ligaments are responsible for side movements.

The most common knee injury that involves ligaments is called ACL or Anterior Cruciate Ligament. This affects the back part of the knee.

It is an injury wherein the cruciate ligament is torn due to sudden changes in direction. This condition is particularly common to basketball and soccer players.

If the tearing happens in the front part of the knees, it is called PCL or posterior cruciate ligament.

Both injuries may require an X-ray to initially gauge the severity. But most doctors recommend the R-I-C-E method when surgery can be avoided.

R-I-C-E means, the patient must R-rest to avoid further damage. It also means that the injured knee must remain firm and untouched.

“I” stands for Ice. It is important to apply ice packs on the injured portion. Ideally, this should be done for 20 to 30 minutes within three to four hours of interval.

The third part, C refers to compression. You need to use an elastic bandage to secure your injured knee. The bandage will help keep the injury warm.

Last is letter “E,” for elevation. It is advised that you must place a pillow underneath the injured knee. This will help in reducing inflammation or swelling.

Meniscal Tear

The meniscus is the cushion that stabilizes the knee joint. It can be found between the femur and tibia.

Just like the ligaments, tearing of the meniscus is usually sports-related. However, this can also be an offshoot of arthritis or a sign of aging.

Pivoting or twisting the knee is the common reason for a meniscal tear, this may lead to swelling and pain.

The R-I-C-E method is also applicable as the first aid treatment. However, when the injury is not visible, knee surgery will be done.

The best orthopedic procedure for this is Arthroscopic knee surgery.

Through tiny incisions, a small camera will be used to check the condition inside the injured knee.

The meniscal cartilage will then be repaired using small surgical tools. This is only a minor surgery. Hence, you can expect to be sent home within the day.


Another knee problem is a medical condition independent of physical contact, this is called arthritis.

There are several kinds of arthritis. This can affect the joints all over the body including the knees.

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that can cause knee pain and swelling. It normally causes the joints to become sore, warm, tender, and swollen.

On the other hand, septic arthritis affects the knee joint due to infection. It is usually accompanied by a fever. It may require antibiotics and containment of infection through drainage treatments.

Another type of arthritis is Gout. It commonly affects the toes but it can also lead to episodes of knee pain and swelling.

This is brought by the build-up of uric acid crystals in the knee joint. The normal treatment for this is through proper medication, diet, and exercise.

The last one is Osteoarthritis. This is a degenerative disease due to the deterioration of health with use and age.

This condition is common to people who are over 50 years old. It may cause severe aching and swelling of the joints.

Drugs that reduce pain and swelling like aspirin and ibuprofen are recommended to lessen the discomfort brought by this illness.

Kailo – Pain Reliever Patch

Whatever is the cause of the pain, I recommend you check out Kailo.

It won’t cure the cause of your pain, so it’s still advisable to see your doctor.

But here’s what’s good about the product.

When you feel pain, your nerves send signals to your brain that something is wrong. Your brain feels that as pain.

What the patch can do is disrupt that communication. Providing you with knee pain relief.

YES you still need to fix the root cause of that pain. But in the meantime, it’s great that this provides an incredible source of relief.

Kailo is an innovative, non-transdermal technology that looks and acts like a patch.

Each Kailo contains a patented array of nanocapacitors that work as a bio antenna, assisting the body in clear communication to turn down the volume on your pain.

Click Here for more information about Kailo.